Excessive dead cell build-up contributes to wrinkles, fine lines, uneven skin tone, brown spots, blemishes, sun damage and acne. To remove this build-up Danné Montague King (DMK) offers an exclusive series of enzyme treatments unique in its class above all other treatments. Enzymes catalyse all cell activity in our skins and bodies. At the most basic level, the human body is merely a structure made of a few chemicals, filled with fluid, orchestrated by enzymes and held together with electromagnetic waves. DMK treatments work on a principle of reverse osmosis, drawing out all debris and impurities in your living cells, digesting dead cell materials and opening up the vascular system to bring oxygen to skin cells from INSIDE the body. This encourages your own skin to form new collagen and provides renewed elastin activity. DMK Enzyme treatments, tighten, tone and firm skin with visible results from the very first treatment.