Advanced Cosmetic Procedures (ACP)
Blemish Removal
Blemish Removal
ACP blemish removal is one of the most established and effective cosmetics treatments for benign skin lesions. Using cosmetic diathermy (where a tiny probe is a vehicle through which a burst of energy (DC or AC) is released into or onto the blemish depending upon the procedure) to achieve flawless,smooth blemish free skin. This treatment is non-invasive, cost effective and quick giving minimal to zero scarring. ACP can be combined with topicals and LED to further enhance results giving you the best possible outcome.
For the treatment of:
Thread Veins
Skin Tags
Blood Spots
Spider Naevus
Common Warts
Mole Reduction and Hairs
Plane Warts
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Seborrhoeic Keratosis
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
A course of ACP is often advised for telangiectasia (thread veins) so that treatments can be spaced out to prevent skin damage or hyper-pigmentation.
Some conditions can be quite resilient, and more than one treatment may be necessary. A signed consultation and follow up check-up is required with all treatments. Some blemishes require a GP’s written consent prior to treatment. Treatment is suitable for everyone.
Treatment Time: Dependent On Treatment
Treatment Costs: From £45